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Savings Worksheet (2 pages)

Savings Worksheet (2 pages)

Determining how much money you need to save each month for your goals can seem like a daunting task. But, saving money is vital for your financial health. What would happen if your car broke down or you had to leave your city due to an emergency? Would you have to reach for a credit card and go into debt to cover the costs? And, even more importantly, how would you pay your expenses if you lost your job? Building your savings if vital for financial health. Learn how to grow your account to have an amount that makes you sleep better at night. Always ensure you have an 'emergency fund'. 


All instructions are included in the document. Download them once and you can use them again and again.  

*This is an instant download.  There will not be anything mailed to your home.  By purchasing this product, you realise it is under copyright and limited for use by only the purchaser and may not be re-distributed in any way.

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